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Innovating AgTech · Epsiode 5 Innovating AgTech - How Investment Models Affect AgTech Hannah Senior: Agriculture is one of humanity's crowning achievements; the ability to feed ourselves via a network of global, national and local food systems. Agriculture is a foundational block critical to our success as a civilization. But...
Innovating AgTech · Epsiode 3 Innovating AgTech - The Farmer's Experience Hannah Senior: Our global agricultural and food systems are broken in lots of ways. As a species, we're exceeding our planetary boundaries with extractive and unsustainable farming methods, and the industry is frequently plagued with poor working conditions, poor...
Innovating AgTech · Epsiode 2 Innovating AgTech - Why Do We Need Entrepreneurs In AgTech? Hannah Senior: Agriculture is one of humanity's crowning glories; the ability to feed ourselves via a network of global, national and local food systems. It's a foundational block critical to our success as a civilization...
Innovating AgTech · Epsiode 1 Innovating AgTech - Why Do We Need AgTech? Hannah Senior: About 10,000 years ago, all around the world, our ancestors were discovering agriculture; deliberate cultivation of plants and livestock to feed their communities. Human civilizations and agriculture go hand in hand, contributing to our species...
Why is the UK so protein insecure, and what would it take to grow more here? This article explains.

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